Twelve Years & 15000+Hours


    • Life Coach
    • Sales Expert
    • Business Strategist
    • Your Spark & Inspiration

Now…what or who is a TIMEIONAIRE?

We all know the words millionaire and billionaire. The very first time in history the word “Millionaire” was used to describe a wealthy person, was for John Law (1671-1729), the founder of the Mississippi Company. It was a new term invented specifically to describe John Law’s level of wealth. A century later the word had to be slightly altered to “Billionaire" for John D Rockerfeller (1839-1937) after his net worth surpassed a billion dollars. Now, I’m not sure who the first “Trillionaire” will be. It might be Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jack Ma or the next unicorn whom we’ve yet to meet.

As appealing and rewarding as these titles are, they come with an unbelievable level of sacrifice, anxiety and superhuman discipline. For most a pipe dream, and for only a select few, they are titles which take years, decades, or even lifetimes to attain. In most cases, “Happiness” and gratitude aren’t felt until the goal is reached, and even then, fear and greed make it difficult to fully enjoy the reward. By choosing to become a TIMEIONAIRE, not only do you get to enjoy the process while pursuing whatever else your heart desires, but you also start to count things in the only currency that in the end is really worth counting…TIME.

At Timeionaire Business Strategies, we believe that life should come first, and business should be a means to enhance that life–not the other way around. Our mentoring approach is rooted in the Timeionaire philosophy, which places a premium on achieving a harmonious balance between professional success and personal fulfillment. We work with business owners who aspire to lead with intention, build teams they can trust, and create systems that foster efficiency and growth.

Our methodology is holistic and strategic, emphasizing leadership development through the lens of Typology. By understanding personality dynamics, we help you build cohesive, high-performing teams that align with your vision. This focus on authentic leadership is coupled with practical strategies for sales and marketing, ensuring that your content creation, outreach, and customer engagement are optimized for success.

We also integrate advanced tools and automation systems to streamline your operations, freeing up your time and mental bandwidth. Central to our approach is the 4D system: do now, do later, delegate, and delete. This method is designed to help you achieve inbox zero and task zero, ensuring that you stay organized, productive, and stress-free.

Timeionaire Business Strategies is for the business owner who values balance, freedom, and a smarter way to achieve success. Whether you’re looking to refine your leadership, optimize your team’s performance, or implement powerful marketing strategies, we provide the guidance and tools you need to build a business that supports the life you truly want to live.

Don't just read books.


TOP 10 tips for success

  1. Ask for everything.
  2. Learn your personality type.
  3. Invest & compound your portfolio.
  4. Learn to sell & tell beautiful stories. 
  5. Travel to countries in worse shape than yours.
  6. Live your life in accordance with Natural Law.
  7. Check things off your fears & bucket list.
  8. Only compare yourself with yourself.
  9. Read a minimum of 10 pages/day.
  10. Use the Pareto rule 80/20.

You are
your only limit

Always Be Closing.